What is Phishing on Freelancing Sites?

Phishing on Freelancing Sites is common things these day for both client and freelancers. I want to share you my personal experience. There is two types of phishing in freelancer sites.

  1. Freelancer side: When freelancer wants to connect with client by different way like email or phone, what app to get project in spite of site where they meet each other.
  2. Client Side : Client try to connect with freelancer outside of freelancer site like freelancer .com, upwork, fiverr, peopleperhour.

Reason of Phishing:


  • Freelancer feel unsecured some time, in starting face spacially when he didn’t not get any project easily. then he wants to client by wrong ways like phishing etc.
  • When he don’t want to pay commission charged to freelancing site.
  • Greed to low price services
  • Make some fraud
Hope that will helpful

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