Logo Design Tips

This is logo designer want their logo better, more impressive, more powerful.
  1. RESEARCH : first gather some information about brand and research on that.
  2. MAKE DRAFT : Create some information about brand and collected information.
  3. TAKE INSPIRATION FROM OTHER : You can get idea for style, format, color combination, shape etc from other logo
  4. KEEP SIMPLE & CREATIVE : Less is more should be the theme for logo creation, Cut unwanted element from logo and keep simple and creative
  5. DRAFT TO BE DIFFERENT : Logo should be stand along in the crouds and be recognized easily. It should not be similar to others.
  6. UNIQUE TYPOLOGRAPHY : Typeface of the logo should be very unique. Sepecially in wordmark logo.
  7. COLOR EMOTIONS : Color have some meaning itself. Each color have different emotion. Be Sensitive for color selection for logo.
  8. VECTOR GRAPHICS : Logo of any company can be used any format for web to print. Vector graphic is capable for any format and scalable infinite.
  9. BE UNIQUE CLEVER : Negative space logo (Fedex, NBC) are the best example for unique and cleverness.
  10. EFFECTIVE ON BLACK AND WHITE : Sometimes logo have to show limited color so it should be effective in Single color.

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