How to generate logo design ideas – 5 Tips

Work From Home
How to generate logo design ideas, work from home
How to generate logo design ideas, work from home

How to generate logo design ideas – 5 Tips

It is very tough and big problem for beginning designers to generate original and good design. Now competitions are increased very much specially in logo design contest. Many designers only try to copy-paste idea in logo design. They did not full fill all the needs of logo according to the client brief. These 5 tips will help you to create original idea easily without giving much presser on your mind.

1.  Write Key Points: –

First understand the need of client for this you need to read brief many time. Then write down some keywords from description. Like if logo is about finance then you can note down key word like money, market, profits, loss, up and downs etc.

2.  Create Icons from Key Words: –

Make icons on written keywords. This point helps you to generate a unique and creative idea easily. Like if you have keyword of up and down then make arrow icons which showing actually to your keyword.


3.  Combine Together: – 

Now try to combine your all or some of keywords icons with name of company. From all keywords you have to make one main icon. If you have four keywords then you can also combine two of them with first letter. This is tough part of logo making process.

4.  Cut Extra Parts: – 

Logo is the smallest part in graphics design. With small things you have to symbolize your company summary. So you can cut extra things in logo make a compact design it means less icon more understanding.

5.  Balance: –

Balance your logo from all sides like color balance, shape, size, volume etc. Like if on your left side of logo there is less things space remaining but on right side there is complicated so try to make equal balance from both sides. When you use these points practically then you will automatically understand what to do with my logo to make it more attractive.
How to generate logo design ideas, work from home
How to generate logo design ideas, work from home
If you create logo to follow these steps and to use your creative mind, you definitely not found the same as you created.
I am also using these steps to create logo you can see many video on live project on my youtube channel I won 100+ design logo design contest on designcrowd.
And I am sure if you follow these steps then no need to worry about winning with less effort.

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