3 Dark Secrets of online Freelancing

Nothing is perfect. So freelancing has also dark side or negative side or demerits. I have 8 yr of experience in graphic design including 4 yr of freelancing. In this period I face many difficulties. So, I am going to share some of the main negative things about freelancing.

3 main dark Secrets of online freelancing :

1. Invisible Mode: 

That’s I mean or I feel, online freelancing work like “Hawa Mahal”, like “air”, like “Maya Nagari”, because everything is present but also not in the physical presence, only money looks a physical presence. I mean to say, online freelancing could be ruin any time by one’s stock. As you have heard some day before many youtube Accounts has been suspended, Upwork and designcrowd, 99designs also suspending many freelancer users. I mean reason can be anything. by your side or by the company side or client side or government side etc. So, keep in mind these things and make a backup or reaction plan if your freelancing work stuck by anyway. What will you do? There can be many reasons to shutter down your freelancing career. Some main are below.

2. Copyright Issue: 

In the creative field be aware to copy past mentality, this is the biggest reason to sink many freelancer careers.

Phishing: Means if you break website terms and condition, or try to contact the client outside of a specific website or ask some favor by the client. This type of activity can cause to suspend your account on freelancer website.
Unsocial Behavior: Best example for this youtuber “Logan paul” case.
Fear when no income: Freelancing is work like “dig daily then eat daily” especially in active income freelancing. This is the same as Job in any company. But the difference is that in the company job we have to only go office first, whereas, in freelancing, we have to work and find work too. If you are in the creative field, participate in the online contest as 99designs, designcrowd etc., You understand what I am trying to say. I personally feel that, when income is coming regularly without any fluctuation, then no problem. But the problem is that when we working and working continuously and not get income accordingly. whereas, does like that sometimes 1–2 month continuous. That time we definitely feel fear because your expenses are not reducing.

3. Loss on Absence: 

As we know when we work as freelancing that means that is also like a company, the company is you. Generally, we work individuality, that’s why sometimes, we face some difficulty when you are unavailable for work and work is vary important. As, when you work in the corporate office, where, in absence of you, some of your colleagues can do your work and company handle our business and safe ourselves to loss of money or client, etc. By personal experience, if you working on designcorwd, 99design, freelancer, you know well, what I am trying to say. If I could not able to check my email by 2 days continuous. I lost some financially because online freelancing work needs to be online always at least 2 -3 time in a day. Because, you can get “paid invitation”, “one to one project”, “Successful Bid acceptation”.
All are needed to accept in content time bond. If we did not accept we fail to get work and work can go to another freelancer. Apart from that, we not only to accept this project but also we have to send a design or project file in some content time bond. If you fail to do that by any your personal or technical reason you have to face the loss that is any kind of like financially, client loss, ratting loss, good review, etc.

All the issues of freelancing career can be managed. You do your best in your style. My intention was only to awake from that.

Hope that help.
For learning graphic design you can follow this youtube channel Kasturi Lal

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